Be what God wants You to be

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January 22, 2008

2 Ch.2:5-9

When Solomon built the Temple, he wanted it to be great; a Temple great and wonderful. Because, it was a Temple for God, who is great and above all gods; even heaven and the heaven of heavens can not contain Him. The Temple stood as a masterpiece of art and grandeur, splendour and stateliness. When I read this passage, I am challenged to do the best and to do a great work for God. What we do for God is important. And what we do for God should be great and glorious.

Solomon built the great Temple to honour God. Our lives and our ministry should honour God. Our God is a great God. He is great in power and supreme over all creation. He is the all-sufficient One and He is the Shepherd of our souls. He is the One who loved us and gave Himself to redeem us!!! Our God is an awesome God. The glorious Temple Solomon built was for this awesome God. Are we not serving the same God? Yes, we are!! What we do should bring honour and glory to our great and awesome God.

Paul magnified his ministry or in other words, “made much of his ministry” to honour God. Rom.11.13. He was consumed by the zeal to preach the gospel. His zeal was unquenchable. Persecutions could not stop him. He was beaten, stoned, put in prison; he was in a shipwreck. But nothing could deter him. He was an empire builder for God. He was diligent to do what God wanted him to do.

Nehemiah said,” I am doing a great work so that I cannot come down”. Neh.6:3. He was focused to do what God wanted him to do. The writer of Ecclesiastes says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.” Eccl.9:10. How can we be satisfied with the little that we do?

Lack of skill or finance or means need not discourage us. Solomon did not have skilled craftsmen or all the materials needed to build the Temple. But God helped him to get it from Hiram. God is our strength and our source.

God blessed Solomon with great wealth. He did not use all the wealth for his personal enjoyment.  He remembered that his life’s purpose was to build the Temple. God has a purpose for every one of us to do. And He gives us the grace to accomplish it! It is sad when people forget God when they are blessed.

Why did Solomon build such a magnificent temple? He built it

  • For the Name of God.
  • For the people of God to pray
  • For God to dwell among them.

Should this not be our motive in our ministry and in what we do for God?

Are we honouring God with our substance? Solomon was lavish in his offering to God. The number of animals he sacrificed was countless. And when he dedicated the temple the Glory of the Lord filled Temple that the priests could not stand to minister. The glory of the Lord will be upon our ministry when we honour Him with our substance.

Solomon erected two pillars at the entrance of the Temple, called Jachin and Boaz meaning “He shall establish” and “In it is strength”. Some say that they represent the pillar of cloud and fire that led the people of God. I think they also represent Grace and Truth; the pillars through which we enter into God’s presence. Grace and Truth came through our Lord Jesus Christ. We should have the Grace of God and walk in His Truth in all that we do.

Sadly after doing all these things the heart of Solomon went after the women he loved and he built altars for their heathen gods. It is well to note that God is not only interested in our ministry. He is more interested that we walk with Him in righteousness to finish our life strong in Him. Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. 1 Cor. 10:12. Watch and stand fast in the faith.1 Cor. 16.13. Having all be able to stand. Eph.6:13.

Be what God wants you to be;

Do what God wants you to do.

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